Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Blue Crane and the Butterfly...

... sounds like some complicated yoga pose, doesn't it? Wrong. The Blue Crane and the Butterfly is a two month old coffee shop that has found a home in Dorp Street and we, for one, sincerely hope that it's around to stay.

We snuck in at 5:45 (they close at 6) and were welcomed with open arms. Chatting over the counter to the man making our coffee we discovered that he is the owner who is there "dawn to dusk" making sure that this eclectically decorated place is not just another coffee shop but rather a place where people can walk around, grab a newspaper and feel like they are meeting friends. It was specifically not designed with any particular group of in mind and anyone and everyone will find a place here; from people looking for morning tea and scones, to students grabbing a quick caffeine fix or even business minded folks looking for a meeting place.

The welcoming was so delightful that by the time we sat down with our drinks the general consensus was "at this point I don't even care if the coffee is bad, we are coming back as soon as possible". But no worries on that front, the coffee is as wonderful as the first impression of the restaurant. It's imported from El Salvador and roasted daily on the premises, providing a rich and delicious drink that hit the spot after being out in the chilly Stellenbosch evening.

The drinks are complemented by a small but varied menu that ranges from pastries to soups and platters-to-share at fairly reasonable prices. Expect to pay R18 for a cuppuccino and less than R20 for fresh croissants with cheese, butter and preserves.

All in all the Blue Crane and the Butterfly is a welcome addition to the range of establishments on offer in Stellenbosch and I can say with confidence that it is currently getting the mix of atmosphere, service and great products down perfectly.

Go like them on Facebook: and be sure to make this the next stop on your coffee drinking list.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this wonderful post! I'm hoping to visit for breakfast soon!
